28 December 2007

RegioCo, WMV & our intern from Mexico

Hallo again!

One month is over again... a month full of events:

First our second round of elections took place. Three of our newies dared to take the step and we are proud to present to you David, Gerd and Roman as our successors! David will take care of Finance in the next year, Gerd is responsible for Talent Management and Roman is our ICXer in 2008-09. The team is completed by Antonia, who was elected as VP ER two weeks earlier, and me as LCP.

At the very start of the month our second regional conference took place. In Kretzschau (near Leipzig) 12 of our Local Committee members learned about time management, worked towards their VP year and enjoyed the AIESEC culture. Only ones not there were Philipp and me...

... because we prepared for Winter's Member Meeting (WMV) which started one week later in Stuttgart. All in all seven days filled with MC and RLP elections, lots of discussions and legislation and of course networking at its best. And we met one of my favourite alumni again - Markus! :)

Another topic at this conference have been our LC criteria. We are still fighting for another intern to come to Germany. Tania from Mexico is really looking forward to come to Chemnitz. And we still hope we can manage in 2007!

So stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed for Tania!

21 November 2007

Finance conference

Well, actually Daniel did not just miss one really cool conference but two of them! Because not only our Local Introduction Seminar LISA happened. It also took place the coolest conference ever - the most important people from whole AIESEC Germany went to the North of Germany and met in Kiel for discussing the best topic on earth: finance!

NatJA - that's the conference's name, made up of "Nationale Jahresabschluss-Konferenz" which means national conference for annual accounts/statements. From 16 to 19 November all German Executive Board member responsible for finance met with experienced facilitators, interested members, our RLPs Conny and Mathias aka Franzi (Rechnungslegungsprüfer are the ones who e.g. are responsible for auditing the MC accounting) and the German MCVPF Nadine (Member Committee Vice President Finance). And as well weg had the best chair ever in Kiel: Samir! :)

Besides talking for hours and days about annual statements and sharing experiences, we of course had lots of fun - you may not believe it. But even AIESECers who are working in the area of finance are able to dance and sing! ;-p

20 November 2007

Chemnitz voted.

Yesterday evening was the anually EB-Election. For all non-AIESECers: "EB" is our Executive Board. The big shots. The VIPs who will be steering our LC (Local Comittee). The Bigwigs who will hardly sleep for one year, beginning about march 2008. The brass hats who will... well I think you got the picture.

And guess what? ER* not only rocks, we also RULE next year. Yes, Rule written all in CAPITALS. Why? Because Antonia was the only candidate who applied for a VP (Vice President) position.

* ER: External Relations. The guys who do important stuff like marketing, public relations, organising seminars with outside partner organisations, raising stuff, writing articles and other vital jobs. The best team of an LC to work in. My team.

She delivered a speech, explained what she intents to do in her year as VP ER, was elected, enjoyed her traditional champaign shower and got hugged by her friends (and shared that election-scent with them). Life is great. :o)

[mental leap to past weekend, one day before the election]

Last weekend was LISA: the Local Introduction Seminar for AIESECers, where Newies get their first in-depth impression of the organisation. Sadly, I couldn't be there because someone had to attend to the AIESEC booth at the university's Alumni Event (where we met a couple of AIESEC oldies from the early nineties - charter members of our LC!), so I missed a great conference.

"Great" not only because LISA's are always great but because it seems that this new generation of AIESECers has so much enthusiasm that some newies expressed their interest in becoming a VP as soon as possible.

...which means this very year. By-elections are already in planning, and I am sure we'll have a complete EB for 2008/09 of highly motivated guys very soon. As I said: Life is great.


22 June 2007

We're still alive ! ! ! :o)

...shit, I could hardly do anything this forenoon than waiting for news from the SMV (Summer Member Versammlung [Meeting]). When Anja came running to tell me the happy outcome, it was such a huuuuge relief!

OK, for all who wonder what the bleep I'm talking about: our LC was about to be closed/dissolved because we didn't meet AIESEC's criteria for two years in a row. Namely, we had not enough incomer - trainees from other countries coming to work in companies in and around Chemnitz.

So a few months back, our LC and four others got a couple of criteria to meet this year. If we didn't, we would have been closed. The decision would have been made on the SMV, our LCP (Local Comittee President) Phillip would have to present what's going on in LC Chemnitz this year, how we chose to change what was going wrong, what we want to do better and how. He had 10 minutes to present all that to Germany's other fifty-something EB's. After that, a tough 20 minute- Q&A round.

I can only imagine how Phillip and the EB (Executive Board: Maja, Conny, Andrea and Franka) felt until the vote was over!

Guys, we felt with you! And next monday we'll celebrate like, ... well,... like AIESECers! :o)

31 May 2007

Bridging the Gap / Workshop

Carnival of cultures is over and I think all our delegates feel good again. About four hours of dancing obviously have been kind of exhausting last Sunday. ;)
But most of them (and some AIESECers who were not at KdK, too) attended the brunch on Monday. Markus, one of our alumni, invited all of us to Nancy's where we had lots of fun and talking.

Next thing to look forward to is our next Local Committee Meeting. Tina, coordinator of the "Bridging the Gap" project (I already told you about her some weeks ago), will be in Chemnitz again and she will give a presentation about the project.

And next weekend a workshop about finances in AIESEC will take place in Chemnitz. I hope many people from all over the Sunrise Region will attend it and we will have a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to it. :)

24 May 2007

Teambuilding / KdK

Hey AIESEC! What's up?

Last weekend we had some real nice activity: The ICX, PBoX and FKG teams met with our trainers Bine and Nancy. And together they did many hours of teambuilding, finding out how the teams can work together and of course having a lot of fun. By the way, you wonder about 'FKG team' and so on?! Yeah, it's true! Cindy, our OCP, now has a team of three people: Sandra, Annabell and Márta. :)

And another event will take place on the next weekend. Have you ever heard of KdK? No?? Then come to Berlin and find out. The carnival of cultures (or 'Karneval der Kulturen') takes place every year in Berlin. And this year AIESEC will be part of it the 4th time. If you want to know more about KdK, please visit http://www.karneval-der-kulturen.de/ (there is also an English summary available).

17 May 2007

Guests in Chemnitz / Conference

In the last weeks we had lots of guests in Chemnitz. :)

In April Annika came here. She is part of the 'Presidents' Support Team' in Germany, which means she gives advice to the LCPs in the region where our LC is. We had some interesting talks and she gave us helpful hints.

At the beginning of May Michaela of the German Member Committee stayed in Chemnitz for some days. She took part at our Local Committee Meeting and spent some time talking with us about criteria. As our LC failed the 'normal' criteria in the last two years, we now get some extra ones for this year.

And last but not least 'Bridging the Gap' coordinator Tina visited us this week. In June she will come again and we are really looking forward to getting more information on the project.

But apart from all the guests: Last weekend our new members had their first conference. LISA, which means Local Introduction Seminar of AIESEC, took place in Niederau (a town between Chemnitz and Dresden). Eight delegates from Chemnitz, 15 from Dresden and two from Leipzig were there. And they seemed to have lots of fun! ...Wish you a great time in AIESEC! :)